Accord International

Kultur EventsÖSD Prüfungen – German courses – Seminare

Page language (Original German)

Accord Team foto© Alexander Uhl

Our German courses

Our intensive courses are the best way to learn German for work, Studies, Further education and everyday communication! All of our courses are based on this “Common European Framework of Reference (GER)”, which has a uniformly recognized six-tier system (A1 – C2) and guaranteed qualified German lessons.

As a licensed testing institute, we also offer exams with an ÖSD certificate. These exams are open to anyone interested, Attending a course is not a prerequisite.

EPD preparation course

We prepare you for the EPD in short intensive courses (Supplementary German exam) VWUs (Preparatory course at the universities of Vienna) before.
Experienced teachers can briefly explain the most important points in the small courses.

Private university and conservatory

ART A1-C1: We offer a special program for music students, Dance and acting.

Prüfungen A2, B1 and B2 for admission to studies,

Trimester courses from A1 to C1.

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