General Terms and Conditions

1. Scope

The terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions between Accord – International culture and language academy (subsequently briefly Accord Academy International) and its customers.
In the case, that individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are and/or should become invalid, This does not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions and the contracts concluded on the basis of them.
Deviating agreements are only valid to this extent, when they were received in writing. By registering for the exam or course, the customer agrees to the general terms and conditions.
The Accord Academy assumes no liability for printing- or. Typographical errors in his publications and websites.

2. Registration

By registering, a contract is concluded between the customer and Accord-Akademie International. Registration can be done using the online forms, If offered, this can be done via the online shop or via the registration form on the Accord Academy premises. Registration is binding.
Registration is for exams, Exam preparations and language courses and other events possible. To register, you must provide correct personal information such as name, Date and place of birth and address required. Incorrect information during examinations results in expenses when ordering new certificates. If the customer provides incorrect information, these will also be invoiced to them. If a change is made in the personal information, this must be reported in writing.
Registrations are until 10 Possible days before the exam date or before the start of the course. Should a registration be made afterwards, In this way, any remaining places can be allocated. However, participation in the exam or course cannot be guaranteed.
You must register in writing to take the exam or start the course, as well as paying for the exam- or course fee required. To reduce the administrative effort on exam day, You can request an ID card when you register and make a copy of it, or you can request that a copy of your ID be sent when you register online.

3. pay

The course- and examination fee is 10 days before the exam or. to be paid before the start of the course. For registrations, which take place later, The fees must be paid immediately. Payment can be made via bank transfer to the Accord Academy account, via cash payment or, if offered for this event/service, online via instant transfer, Credit card or Paypal.
If you start a course later or. In the event of an early exit, there is no provision for the participation fee to be apportioned. In the event of late payment, reminder fees will apply, the Accord Academy is, if payment is not made on time and in full, not obliged, to carry out the service. If the course is canceled, there is no right to a refund. Missed lessons will not be reimbursed.

4. Special regulations for taking the exam

Taking the exam is only possible with a valid photo ID. This includes: the passport, the Austrian driving license or identity card.

5. Conditions of Participation

The minimum age for participation in a language course or other event is, unless otherwise stated, 16 Years. People can also opt out of taking part in courses without giving reasons, Exams or events are excluded.

6. Cancellation

For distance bookings and registrations (over the Internet): The EU-wide Consumer Rights Directive applies in the form of the Fern- and Foreign Trade Act (FAMHP): When booking via the Internet or via email, there is a 14-day deadline for cancellation/withdrawal from the contract. No reasons need to be given. Sending a freely formulated declaration of withdrawal via email or post within the 14-day period is sufficient. Optionally, the cancellation form made available for download by the Accord Academy can also be used. (You also have the cancellation policy).
For bookings at the Accord Academy: The guideline does not apply to B2B businesses. There is therefore no such legal right of withdrawal in the B2B sector.
Cancellations of exams or courses are until 10 days before the exam date or. before the start of the course possible free of charge. For cancellations of 9 bis 6 days before the course- or the start of the exam is a cancellation fee of 20% due. If the revocation or cancellation takes place 5 days before the course- or exam start or from 5 days before the start of the service so is the entire course- or. Examination fee due. The fee is non-refundable. The customer is informed of this, that this also applies, if a cancellation is made within the 14-day period for distance selling.

6. Withdrawal from the training contract

The Accord Academy reserves the right, To exclude participants from attending the event and to withdraw from the contract, if further participation is unreasonable for the other participants or for the course leaders or employees of the Accrod Academy. Already paid exam- or course fees will not be refunded.

7. Special rules for language courses

The Accord Academy reserves the right, to adjust the start date of courses within reasonable limits for reasonable reasons. This adjustment does not entail any special right of termination or the right to a refund.
The Accord Academy reserves the right if the minimum number of participants is not reached, to cancel the course, to postpone or shorten. In the event of a postponement or shortening, course participants will be notified by email, They then have a deadline of five days, to withdraw from the contract, whereby the Accord Academy covers the entire course fee in the same way, how it was paid in, paid back. If the person does not respond within this period, If it is postponed, it will automatically be booked for the next possible date, In the event of a shortening due to a lower number of participants, she accepts the reduction in the number of teaching units while the course fee remains the same.
However, the Accord Academy reserves the right, the presence- on distance learning (Fernlehre) to convert, if this, such as due to official regulations or other reasons, that make meaningful face-to-face teaching impossible, is required. The customers expressly agree to this approach, The procurement of the infrastructure or technical equipment necessary for the customers is their responsibility. Contract cancellations or price reductions are excluded with regard to distance learning.

8. Information about lessons and exams

The Accord Academy is committed to working with professionally competent teaching staff and examination staff. Changes in the identity of the speaker/examiner are possible at any time and cannot be ruled out.
One lesson or. one teaching unit is basically 45 minutes. The language of instruction is German.
All our prices exclude textbooks and exclusive teaching materials. As a general rule, there are no classes on public Austrian holidays. The specified teaching units per course must be completed in full. In principle, a teacher can be changed or replaced at short notice. In principle, canceled lessons will not be reimbursed, but they will be made up.
Ton- Film- and photography is included in the course- and examination rooms are generally prohibited. Exceptions include previously announced recordings for social media with the explicit permission of everyone involved. The above-mentioned recordings by the Accord Academy for social media appearances require the explicit verbal or written consent of all people appearing in the recordings. The above-mentioned previously announced recordings by the course participants for private purposes or for social media presence also require the explicit consent of all people appearing in the recordings. The only partial recording and documentation of the lesson using sound- or filming is prohibited. There is a general ban on any kind of recording during exams.
There is a general ban on smoking in all rooms of courses and exams held by the Accord Academy.

9. Transcript / Confirmation of participation

The prerequisite for receiving a confirmation of participation at the end of the course is an attendance of at least 75 percent, The prerequisite for receiving a certificate of completion is an attendance of at least 75 percent and taking a final exam. The certificate provides information about the course success in accordance with the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

Document forgery and attempted fraud:
Any attempt to falsify documents will be reported without exception. Attempts to cheat on ÖSD exams will be reported to the ÖSD immediately. These people can be blocked from courses and/or exams.

10. Disclaimer

The Accord Academy is not liable for items brought along (such as clothing items, Money, Valuables or documents). Participants are liable for any damage caused to inventory, the premises or equipment and are therefore obliged to provide replacement.
The house rules of the exam- and course location must be adhered to.

11. Data protection

Every conclusion of a contract includes agreement to the General Terms and Conditions. In addition, data protection consent is required, which says, that the participant's data is required for electronic recording and processing as well as all other administrative processes of the Accord Academy. Furthermore, personal data can be used to send and communicate current offers or news.
You can find the data protection declaration here:

12. Place of jurisdiction

For any disputes arising from these General Terms and Conditions, the competent court in Vienna is deemed to be the place of jurisdiction.